11:670:461 - IPCC email


To all WGI AR5 Authors and Review Editors

Dear colleagues,

As we leave for Stockholm for the final stage of the four-year journey that we have taken with you, we wanted to briefly inform you about the schedule of the next few days:

20-21 Sept.   Preparatory Meeting with CLAs
              (we will consider the written government comments and
               plan the approval plenary)

22 Sept.      Final preparations in Stockholm

23-26 Sept.   12th Session of IPCC Working Group I

              Approval Plenary – possible that this will continue into
              the early hours of Friday morning 27 Sept.

The approved SPM will be made available to all of you as soon as possible after its approval and before the media conference

Please note: the SPM will still be under embargo until its release at the start of the media conference on Friday, September 27, at 10am

27 Sept.       Media Conference at 10am in Stockholm, Release of the SPM

This will be posted on our web site www.climatechange2013.org at the time of release.

30 Sept.       Release of the Final Draft

Technical Summary, all Chapters and Annexes in unedited form (Version 7. June 2013); will be posted online

Please Note:

During the preparatory meeting and indeed during the approval session, the need may arise for the CLAs to consult their author team colleagues who are not present in Stockholm on specific issues. It would be much appreciated if you could be alert to this and ready to answer questions at short notice.

You should also be aware that there is already a lot of media interest in the SPM, even before it is published. Please remember that the SPM remains under embargo until it is released on Friday 27 September, and the full report until Monday 30 September.

From Friday 20 Sept. onwards, we will still be monitoring email but cannot guarantee rapid response.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

With our best wishes,

Thomas, Dahe and the entire TSU team

>>>>> IPCC REPORT CLIMATE CHANGE 2013: The Physical Science Basis
>>>>> www.climatechange2013.org

Prof. Thomas Stocker
Co-Chair Working Group I
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change    stocker@ipcc.unibe.ch
Zaehringerstrasse 25                         fx:  +41 31 631 56 15
3012 Bern, Switzerland                           www.ipcc.unibe.ch
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Prepared by Alan Robock (robock@envsci.rutgers.edu) - Last updated on September 17, 2013