
Homework #6

November 12, 2015


Due November 19, 2015


  1. Watch the first episode of Years of Living Dangerously, and write (maximum of two pages, typed and double-spaced) a summary of the show and what the most interesting part was for you, and why.

  2. Watch as many of the three following episodes of Years of Living Dangerously as you want and write (maximum of two pages, typed and double-spaced) a summary of the show and what the most interesting part was for you, and why.  For each one, the maximum credit is 2% of your total semester grade.  You can watch them at the Media Center (Douglass Library), which has six private screening rooms and is open seven days a week, most days from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.  I recommend all three.

    True Colors – about Sandy, Gov. Christie, and Gov. Inslee of Washington

    Winds of Change – methane leaks, James Taylor

    Moving a Mountain – Mayewski in the Andes, Bangla Desh sinking and refugees, Friedman interview with Obama

Prepared by Alan Robock (robock@envsci.rutgers.edu) - Last updated on November  9, 2015