Scientific Consensus on Global Warming
What Should We Do?
1. Would slower climate change be better for humans than rapid change?
2. Must we act now to stop the warming, or will continued change be OK for a while?
3. Is there some threshold we must avoid that would result in vastly greater harm to society?
Discussion and Conclusions
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Acknowledgments. I thank Jim Haywood for the data used in the figures.
Figure 1. Comparison between observed global average climate change since 1865 with a climate model simulation using only CO2 changes of the IS92a IPCC scenario (Haywood et al., 1997).
Figure 2. Comparison between observed global average climate change since 1865 with a climate model simulation using CO2 and tropospheric aerosol changes of the IS92a IPCC scenario (Haywood et al., 1997).
Figure 3. Haywood et al. (1997) climate simulations from Figures 1 and 2, including predictions into the next century. Curves are smoothed with a 3-year running mean.
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