Publications by Alan Robock on writing papers

  1. Robock, Alan, 2010: Parentheses are (are not) for references and clarification (saving space). Eos, 91(45), 419, doi:10.1029/2010EO450004.   PDF file

  2. Moldwin, Mark B., Fabio Florindo, Gregory Okin, Alan Robock, Eelco J. Rohling, Bayani Cardenas, Ann Marie Carlton, Kate Huihsuan Chen, Michel Crucifix, Andrew Gettelman, Alun Hubbard, Tomoo Katsura, and Thomas H. Painter, 2017: Why and how to write a high-impact review paper: Lessons from eight years of editorial board service to Reviews of Geophysics. Rev. Geophys., 55, 860–863, doi:10.1002/2017RG000587.   PDF file

  3. Robock, Alan, 2018: Getting your paper published, Part 1: Don’t annoy the reviewers. Editor’s Vox. Eos, 99, doi:10.1029/2018EO105561. 

  4. Robock, Alan, 2018: Getting your paper published, Part 2: Good grammar, clear figures. Editor’s Vox. Eos, 99, doi:10.1029/2018EO105573.   

Prepared by Alan Robock ( - Last updated on September 22, 2018