! This program is created to read the ascii data for the ! 40 chinese soil moisture stations. ! Created by Haibin Li on June 7, 2004 Implicit none parameter(No=40) Integer No character*20:: fileinput='19yrchinasm.dat' character*8,Stname real smchina(No,11,3,12,1981:1999) real mvdata(11) real:: undef=-99.99,lat,lon Integer Ist,Le,Idy,Im,Iyr,I Integer Mon,Iday,Stno do Ist=1,No do Le=1,11 do Idy=1,3 do Im=1,12 do Iyr=1981,1999 smchina(Ist,Le,Idy,Im,Iyr)=undef end do end do end do end do end do 80 format(i2,1x,a8,2(1x,f6.2)) 50 format(1x,i2,1x,i2,11(1x,f6.2)) open(2,file=fileinput,status='old') do I=1,7 read(2,*) end do do I=1,40 read(2,80) Stno,Stname,lat,lon ! write(*,80) Stno,Stname,lat,lon end do do Ist=1,No read(2,*) read(2,*) read(2,*) do Iyr=1981,1999 read(2,*) do Idy=1,3 do Im=1,12 read(2,50) Mon,Iday,(smchina(Ist,Le,Idy,Im,Iyr),Le=1,11) ! write(*,50) Mon,Iday,(smchina(Ist,Le,Idy,Im,Iyr),Le=1,11) end do end do end do end do end