RUSWET-GRASS-50STA 50 station data set of Russian(former Soviet Union) plant-available soil moisture measurements at natural grass fields (from Vinnikov and Yeserkepova, 1991) Konstantin Vinnikov Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland Alan Robock Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Irina B. Yeserkepova State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia February 25, 1997 The entire data set is contained in two data files: soilm.1m and seas.cyc. Each of these data sets contain a list of stations and measurements of plant available soil moisture in the top 1 meter of soil at 10-day intervals (actually, the measurements were made on the 8th, 18th, and the end of each month). The measurements were made on a level grass field (natural vegetation) at each station site using a gravimetric technique. A detailed description of these data is given by: Vinnikov, K. Ya. and I. B. Yeserkepova, 1991: Soil moisture: empirical data and model results. J. Climate, 4, 66-79. The order of stations in this archive is the same as in the Table 1 of Vinnikov an Yeserkepova (1991). Some data on the soil constants in the original Table 1 have been corrected - see the Appendix. In the soilm.1m file, each station contains data which span a different range of years. The entire data set covers the years 1952- 1985, but the spatial extent of these data is very poor up until about 1975. For each station block of data, the first line contains the station info: station id, station name, latitude, longitude, and number of years worth of data (which may help when reading in the data). The code for reading this first line (in FORTRAN) is: read (10,10) ist, stid(i), lat(i), lon(i), num(i) 10 format (i5,1x,a3,16x,2(f6.2),i2) The lines that follow are the data with each year contained on one line. The code is: read (10,20) year, (mud(j),j=1,36) 20 format (i4,36(f4.1)) The data on soil moisture content in 1 m top soil layer are in UNITS OF CENTIMETERS OF WATER. The measurements of soil moisture are taken three times a month on the 8th,18th, and the last day of each month. During most of the winter, however, measurements are only taken at the end of the month. Missing values in the data set are noted by the value 99.9. The seas.cyc file contains the same stations as in the soilm.1m. The data for each station are the averaged annual cycle of observed available soil moisture (mean monthly values). Each line contains data for one station. The FORTRAN code for reading in one line of station data is: read (10,30) station, (mud(j),j=1,12) 30 format (1x,a19,12f4.1) Again, you will read in the monthly mean values of 1 m layer soil moisture content in UNITS OF CENTIMETERS OF PLANT AVAILABLE WATER. Missing values are denoted by a value of 99.9. Note that in the both files for some values a negative sign is placed in front. This is to denote that the value was determined by using interpolation. If you have any problems or questions you can contact us for assistance: Dr. Konstantin Ya. Vinnikov OR Prof. Alan Robock Department of Meteorology Department of Environmental Sciences University of Maryland Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey College Park, Maryland 20742 USA New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 USA Phone: (301) 405-5382 Phone: (732) 932-9478 Fax: (301) 314-9482 Fax: (732) 932-8644 E-mail: APPENDIX Corrections for Table 1 in Vinnikov and Yeserkepova (1991) Nina Speranskaya State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia In the original, some of the values were estimated from soil types. Now we have found observed data. Values (2) should be used instead of, or in addition to, (1). Station W(*) W(f) W(o) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1.ENA 107 - - 494 3.OLONETS 184 - 386 329 6.VOLOGDA 107 96 140 - (284) - 8.Sharkovshchina 204 228 365 207 9.Vasilevitchi (for 1978) - 24 - 234 - 354 (for 1979-85) 100 30 (234) 340 11.Surskoe 154 - - 431 12.PENZA - 284 13.AGLOS 174 191 - 250 14.SARNY 107 - - 374 15.ASKANIA-NOVA - 298 16.VORONEZH 194 - - 376 17.ERSHOV - 305 18.TCHISHMY - 375 19.SVERDLOVSK 180 - - 394 20.TYUMEN - 321 21.OMSK 83 101 148 183 - 485 22.OGURTSOVO - 475 23.BARNAUL 172 - - 475 24.KHAKASSKAYA MGO (for 1978-84) 60 - 411 (for 1985 only) - 69 - - - 409 25.TULUN 170 - - 411 26.KYZYLSKAYA MGO 80 57 120 - - 479 27.Slavgorod - 378 28.KRASNOARMEIKA (for 1978-80) - 180 - 212 - 255 (for 1981-85) 113 120 - 372 29.TCHAGLY - 368 30.TCHERNIGOVKA - 316 31.DMITRIEVKA 135 156 - 428 32.RODNIKOVKA 186 - (266) 400 33.URALSK - 353 35.DZHANYBEK 162 190 - 362 37.TEREKTY - 350