Alan Robock in Antarctica
Alan Robock,
"We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to
deny it....
Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously.
He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously." (Visions of
Johanna, Bob Dylan, 1966)
"We came to the pyramids all embedded in ice....
The wind it was howlin' and the snow was outrageous." (Isis, Bob
Dylan, 1976)
Last revised, Oct. 27, 2004
The research in Antarctica is supported by the
United States Antarctic
Program of the National Science Foundation
Table of Contents
Christchurch, New Zealand
On the C-17, en route to Antarctica
Landing - my first views of Antarctica
On the Delta on the way to McMurdo Station
The views
Mt. Erebus, and Radarsat Hill views of McMurdo
Visit to Scott's Discovery Hut
Sea ice school and a trip along the coast of Ross Island
Tropospheric ozone observations
Where we are
The weather
Where we work - the Crary Lab, Cosray
Global warming and volcano lectures
Balloon launches
Graphs of ozone and temperature profiles from our flights
A radiosonde launch
Diving under the ice for starfish
More strange creatures from under the ice
Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs)
Our dorm
The bars (there are two that are no smoking and one that allows smoking)
Carp Shop party, featuring Sean's band
The food
Building 155, including store, which has a much larger selection of goods than I had imagined
Visit to Scott Base, August 24, 2004. The Kiwis invited us to dinner.
C-17 flight from McMurdo to Christchurch, including views of Victoria Land
Other Antarctica Web Sites
The University of Canterbury, along a river downtown.
Cold weather gear display at the Clothing Distribution Center
Me with Bill Clinton at the Clothing Distribution Center. Apparently, this
is as far as he got, as his security staff did not want him to fly to
In line to get on the plane at 4 am.
On the C-17, en route to Antarctica
Inside the plane, as we are leaving. They installed airline seat pallets
for most of us. The cargo is in the back. There was one toilet for
everyone. It got very hot, as apparently they did not want to waste energy
cooling the adiabatically compressed air inside.
Francesco Cairo and Roberto Morbidini, the two lidar specialists on our team.
They run a NdYAG lidar here to look at polar stratospheric clouds, and we
coordinate the balloon launches with their measurements. Francesco will
only stay for a week and return on the last WINFLY flight, but Roberto will
remain to run the lidar. They fixed a number of things and got the lidar
running to take measurements very quickly after they got here.
Me and Lou King, on the flight. Notice Lou's earplugs - it is noisy
Sea ice below us on our flight. It was remarkably clear on the flight. First I
saw open water and then sea ice with cracks.
Landing - my first views of Antarctica
We had to go out the back, as they kept the engines running. They opened
the tail ramp and took the cargo out first, so the cold air gradually seeped in.
The pilot reported the surface air temperature as
-45°F (-42°C).
Only one cargo pallet left, and then we can get off.
Finally we are starting to get off. The reflective patches on the backs of
our parkas really mess up flash photos.
Down the ramp into the cold and fog.
Some friends were waiting for returnees.
Some of the vehicles on the ice.
To the right is the Terrabus, but it was full, so we had to get onto a
which you can see over the heads of people on the left. We sat in the red
box, which was pulled by the tractor. The diesel heater did not work but
emitted noxious fumes, and we were very cold.
On the Delta on the way to McMurdo Station
Lou in the Delta, second from right. The clouds are fog from our breath.
Alan in the Delta. I am grimacing because of the cold.
A Delta, in which we road in from Pegasus when we arrived.
Ivan, the Terrabus - the vehicle we should have ridden in.
The front "wheel" on a Mattrack
A Hägglunds, made
in Sweden. The trailer in the back is very bumpy and loud - not a pleasant