Gaffen et al. (1992)
Gaffen, Dian J., Alan Robock and William P. Elliott, 1992:
Annual cycles of tropospheric water vapor. J. Geophys. Res., 97,
To understand better the annual cycles of atmospheric humidity,
radiosonde data were used to create climatologies of temperature,
dew point, relative humidity, and precipitable water in the lower
troposphere for 56 locations around the world for the period 1973-1990.
On the basis of the annual ranges of relative humidity at the
surface and at the 850, 700, and 500 mbar levels and the ratio of
the annual maximum to minimum surface to 500-mbar precipitable
water, we have defined five humidity regimes: (1) middle- and
high-latitude continental, (2) middle- and high-latitude oceanic, (3)
midlatitude monsoon, (4) tropical oceanic, and (5) tropical
monsoon. For each regime we describe the annual cycles of
temperature and humidity variables and discuss phase relationships
among them. Relative humidity ranges are small in the first two
regimes, where precipitable water and temperature vary in phase.
Relative humidity ranges in the other three regimes are moderate to
large, and in the tropics the annual march of horizontal moisture
advection and vertical convection, not temperature, controls
seasonal humidity variations. These results suggest that the
assumption of constant relative humidity made in some climate
models is not always justified and that precipitable water is not a
strong function of temperature in the tropics.

Prepared by Alan Robock ( ) -
Last updated on April 21, 1999