Mao and Robock (1995)
Mao, Jianping and Alan Robock, 1995:
Report of AMIP Diagnostic Subproject 19, Part 2:
The surface air temperature record in the AMIP
and the influence of El Chichón.
Proceedings of the First International AMIP
Scientific Conference, WCRP-92, WMO/TD-No. 732, W. L. Gates, Ed., (World
Climate Research Programme, Geneva), 471-476.
We have examined the AMIP model output to investigate the
impact of the April 1982 El Chichón volcanic eruption on surface air
temperature. First we compared the temperature fields of the 28 available
models to each other and found that 3 had serious errors. By comparing
the average of the 25 remaining models to the surface temperature
observations, we found that the model-average temperatures over the
oceans are too cold for the first 3 years, a consequence of the sea surface
temperature (SST) specification at high latitudes of climatology rather
than observations. Even though the SST fields are specified from
observations in the AMIP experiment, and SSTs were influenced by the El
Chichón aerosols, there is a lag for the oceans to respond. The model-
average temperatures over land are higher than observations during 1982,
a signal of the cooling due to El Chichón, and this difference lasts for
almost a year. The Northern Hemisphere winters over land exhibit large
differences between the model average and the observations. In
particular, 1980-81 was much warmer than the models, and 1981-82 and
1984-85 were much colder, suggesting that part of this winter variability
is chaotic and produced by internal atmospheric dynamics-not forced by
global SST patterns. The winters of 1982-82 and 1986-87, however,
show warming patterns over northwestern North America due to the El
Niños those years, and these patterns are simulated by most of the models.
By choosing the models with the best El Niño simulation, and comparing
their simulations to the observations, we delineate a clear winter warming
pattern over North America and Eurasia in the winter of 1982-83 which
agrees with previous observational, theoretical, and climate model
simulations of a pattern forced by the volcanic eruption as distinct from El

Prepared by Alan Robock ( ) -
Last updated on April 21, 1999