Robock (1996)
Robock, Alan, 1996: Stratospheric control of climate, Science,
272, 972-973.
Firm evidence for a connection between variations in solar radiation and
climate has been elusive. In his Perspective, Robock discusses the results of
Haigh, who reports in this same issue ( p. 981) new computer simulations of
solar-climate interaction. The computer model produces a realistic tropospheric
response to solar variation, in part because the simulation takes into account the
stratospheric changes in ozone caused by the sun, which in turn influence the
Correction: (Science, Volume 272, Number 5266,
Issue of 31 May 1996):
The caption for the illustration accompanying the 17 May Perspective
``Stratospheric control of climate'' by Alan Robock (p. 972) should have begun,
``Surface air temperature anomalies over North America for December
1982 through February 1983.''

Prepared by Alan Robock ( ) -
Last updated on April 21, 1999