Robock and Mao, 1992
Robock, Alan and Jianping Mao, 1992: Winter warming
from large volcanic eruptions. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
19, 2405-2408.
An examination of the Northern Hemisphere winter surface
temperature patterns after the 12 largest volcanic eruptions from
1883-1992 shows warming over Eurasia and North America and
cooling over the Middle East and northern Africa which are
significant at the 95% level. These patterns are found in the first
winter after tropical eruptions, in the first or second winter after
midlatitude eruptions, and in the second winter after high latitude
eruptions. The effects are independent of the hemisphere of the
volcanoes. An enhanced zonal wind driven by heating of the
tropical stratosphere by the volcanic aerosols is responsible for the
regions of warming and blocking of incoming sunlight is responsible
for the regions of cooling.

Prepared by Alan Robock ( ) -
Last updated on April 2, 1999