What's New at the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank
We have discovered a new data set of soil moisture and ancillary hydrology data at Boissy-le-Châtel, France.
We have produced a new data set of summer soil moisture data from the Ukraine for the period 1958-2002. For more information, see our recent paper:
Robock, Alan, Mingquan Mu, Konstantin Vinnikov, Iryna V. Trofimova, and Tatyjana I. Adamenko, 2005: Forty five years of observed soil moisture in the Ukraine: No summer desiccation (yet). Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L03401, doi:10.1029/2004GL021914. html version with color figures PDF file Click Here for Supplemental Material.
We have updated the Chinese soil moisture data through 1999. For more information, see our recent paper:
Li, Haibin, Alan Robock, Suxia Liu, Xingguo Mo, and Pedro Viterbo, 2005: Evaluation of reanalysis soil moisture simulations using updated Chinese soil moisture observations. J. Hydrometeorol., 6, 180-193. PDF file (© Copyright 2005 AMS)
We have updated the Illinois soil moisture data through June, 2004.
In the process of updating the Mongolia soil moisture data, we have discovered errors in the previous data, and we have updated the observations through 2002. The revised Mongolia data set is now available.
Prepared by Alan Robock
and Haibin Li (hli@envsci.rutgers.edu)
Last updated on November 30, 2005