11:670:461 - Climate Dynamics - List of Handouts

  1. Syllabus (9/5)
  2. Lorenz, Edward, 1972: "The Butterfly Effect" (9/5)
  3. Daily sea ice from NSIDC (9/5)
  4. Summer storms bolster Arctic ice, from Nature (9/5)
  5. Term Paper Instructions (9/5)
  6. Climate Prediction Center Global Monsoons website  (9/5)
  7. Homework 1 - Due September 13 (9/5)
  8. Skeptical Science website, with answers to all criticisms of global warming science (9/5)
  9. Richard Alley 2009 talk at AGU on "The Biggest Control Knob, Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Climate History" (9/5)
  10. Trenberth, K. E. (1983), What are the seasons? Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 64, 1276-1282. (9/5)
  11. COMET module on climatology (9/5)
  12. COMET course on climate change (9/5)
  13. Fung, Inez, 2013: A hyperventilating biosphere, Science, 341, 1075, DOI:10.1126/science.1242004. (9/9)
  14. Nelson, Robert A., 2003: Guide for Metric Practice, Physics Today, 56, No. 8 (Buyers’ Guide, August), BG15-BG16. (9/9)
  15. Metric System Review (9/9)
  16. Lecture slides (9/9)
  17. IPCC AR5 WGI report (9/9)
  18. Kalnay, E., M. Kanamitsu, R. Kistler, W. Collins, D. Deaven, L. Gandin, M. Iredell, S. Saha, G. White, J. Woollen, Y. Zhu, M. Chelliah, W. Ebisuzaki, W. Higgins, J. Janowiak, K. C. Mo, C. Ropelewski, J. Wang, A. Leetmaa, R. Reynolds, R. Jenne, and D. Joseph, 1996: The NCEP/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 437–471. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1996)077<0437:TNYRP>2.0.CO;2   PDF file (9/9)
  19. Kistler, R., E. Kalnay, W. Collins, S. Saha, G. White, J. Woollen, M. Chelliah, W. Ebisuzaki, M. Kanamitsu, V. Kousky, H. van den Dool, R. Jenne, and M. Fiorino, 2001: The NCEP-NCAR 50-Year Reanalysis: Monthly Means CD-ROM and Documentation. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 82, 247-268. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(2001)082<0247:TNNYRM>2.3.CO;2  PDF file (9/9)
  20. Dee DP, Uppala SM, Simmons AJ, Berrisford P, Poli P, Kobayashi S, Andrae U, Balmaseda MA, Balsamo G, Bauer P, Bechtold P, Beljaars ACM, van de Berg L, Bidlot J, Bormann N, Delsol C, Dragani R, Fuentes M, Geer AJ, Haimberger L, Healy SB, Hersbach H, Holm EV, Isaksen L, Kallberg P, Kohler M, Matricardi M, McNally AP, Monge-Sanz BM, Morcrette J-J, Park B-K, Peubey C, de Rosnay P, Tavolato C, Thepaut J-N, Vitart F., 2011: The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137, 553–597. DOI:10.1002/qj.828  PDF file (9/9)
  21. NCAR Climate Data Guide (9/12)
  22. ERA-Interim from NCAR Climate Data Guide (9/12)
  23. La Nada  (9/12)
  24. Homework 2 - Due September 30 (9/19)
  25. Henson, Bob, 2013:  Inside the Colorado Deluge, AtmosNews  (9/19)
  26. IPCC email  (9/19)
  27. NOAA El Niño Page (9/19)
  28. PAGES    News, El Niño edition, August 2013 (9/19)
  29. El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO), from State Climatologist of North Carolina (9/19)
  30. Pacific-North American Pattern (PNA), from State Climatologist of North Carolina (9/19)
  31. North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), from State Climatologist of North Carolina (9/19)
  32. Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), from State Climatologist of North Carolina (9/19)
  33. NASA GISS Temperature Analyses (9/19)
  34. Paleoclimate: The End of the Holocene, from RealClimate (9/19)
  35. BAMS State of the Climate 2012 (36 Mb) (9/19)
  36. Sir Gilbert Walker (9/23)
  37. QBO animation from Mark Baldwin (9/26)
  38. 3-D QBO visualization from Kevin Hamilton (9/26)
  39. RealClimate, What ocean heating reveals about global warming (9/26)
  40. Lemonick, Michael D., 2013: Why Antarctic sea ice is growing. Climate Central. (9/26)
  41. The final assessment, Nature  (9/26)
  42. Climate assessments: 25 years of the IPCC, Nature (9/26)
  43. IPCC WG I presentations in Stockholm (10/3)
  44. Homework 3 - Due October 21 (10/14)
  45. Mark Jacobson on Letterman, 10/9/13  (10/14)
  46. Kirtman, Ben, et al., 2013:  Prediction from Weeks to Decades. Chapter 8 in Climate Science for Serving Society, Ghassem R. Asrar and James W. Hurrell, Eds., (Springer, Dordrecht), 205-235.  (10/17)
  47. NOAA MJO forecast discussion  (10/17)
  48. QBO effects on seasonal forecasts  (10/17)
  49. ECMWF Forecast Products  (10/17)
  50. ECMWF Monthly Forecasting  (10/17)
  51. ECMWF Niño3.4 forecasts  (10/17)
  52. NOAA Official Forecast Products  (10/17)
  53. NOAA Medium Range Forecasts  (10/17)
  54. NOAA Long-Range Forecasting Discussion  (10/17)
  55. NOAA Long-Range Forecasting Discussion (Word)  (10/17)
  56. NOAA 30-day forecasts  (10/17)
  57. NOAA 3-month outlooks  (10/17)
  58. National Multi-Model Ensemble  (10/17)
  59. NOAA Probability of Exceedence Maps  (10/17)
  60. NOAA Climate Prediction Center  (10/17)
  61. Farmer's Almanac Winter Forecast  (10/17)
  62. Accuweather Winter Forecast  (10/17)
  63. Robock, Alan, 1985: An updated climate feedback diagram. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 66, 786-787.  (10/24)
  64. The Sheep Albedo Feedback  (10/24)
  65. Science at the Bleating Edge  (10/24)
  66. Daisyworld  (10/24)
  67. Homework 4 - Due November 4 (10/24)
  68. IPCC WGI AR5 Chapter 9  (10/28)
  69. Lovett, Richard A., 2013:  Air-movement pattern portends US heatwaves.  Nature. (10/31)
  70. Freedman, Andrew, 2013:  New Method Could Provide Heat Wave Early Warnings. Climate Central. (10/31)
  71. NOAA Interactive Data Viewer for Greenhouse Gases  (11/4)
  72. Latest Mauna Loa CO2 record  (11/4)
  73. American Meteorological Society statement on climate change  (11/4)
  74. President Obama's Executive Order on Climate Change  (11/4)
  75. Fact Sheet on President Obama's Executive Order on Climate Change  (11/4)
  76. Scientists plea to consider nuclear power as part of the solution to global warming  (11/4)
  77. Oral presentation evaluation form  (11/4)
  78. RealClimate, "Global Warming Since 1997 Underestimated by Half"  (11/14)
  79. Homework 5 - Due November 26 (11/18)
  80. Homework 5 with teams - Due November 26 (11/18)
  81. Growing Clamor About Inequities of Climate Crisis, By Steven Lee Myers and Nicholas Kulish, New York Times, November 17, 2013 (11/18)
  82. Kerr, Richard A., 2013:  In the hot seat.  Science, 342, 688-689.  (11/18)
  83. Lizza, Ryan, 2013: The President and the Pipeline, The New Yorker, Sept. 16, 2013.  (11/18)
  84. Ozone Hole Comparison: 1979, 1987, 2006, 2011  (11/18)
  85. IPCC Movie Summarizing WG I Report  (11/21)
  86. Global Carbon Atlas  (11/21)
  87. U.S. Arctic Strategy 2013  (11/25)
  88. Movie of September Arctic Sea Ice, 1979-2012  (11/25)
  89. Oral Presentation Schedule  (11/25)
  90. How not to make a good PowerPoint  (11/26)

Prepared by Alan Robock (robock@envsci.rutgers.edu) - Last updated on December 1, 2013